Review – TGN United For The Gospel Tue, 13 Dec 2022 15:55:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Review – TGN 32 32 The Gospel Network: 2015 In Review Sat, 02 Jan 2016 06:32:56 +0000 All too soon, we have seen the end of another year. We have been ushered into another brand new year and I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our readers and followers of this blog. As a ministry, we are indeed grateful because without readers, we have no audience.We wish you a happy […]

The post The Gospel Network: 2015 In Review appeared first on TGN.


All too soon, we have seen the end of another year. We have been ushered into another brand new year and I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our readers and followers of this blog. As a ministry, we are indeed grateful because without readers, we have no audience.
We wish you a happy New year and a fruitful 2016.

The Gospel Network is a ministry focused on the proclamation of the gospel of Christ formed out of a desire to see the gospel preached in truth and faithfulness. We stated in our mission that a worrying trend has swept across the world and Ghana in particular when it comes to Christianity and the preaching of the gospel. We further stated that in our country Ghana, a form of Christianity not founded on the complete teachings of Scripture–Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone–and a deviation from biblical Christianity has gained grounds.

This form of Christianity places man at the centre and God only exist to make us happy and comfortable, a far cry from the biblical teachings of man’s need of salvation from sin and reconciliation unto God. Sadly, multitudes have bought into this perverse gospel that promises a life of health and prosperity.

Considering this, we set off to stand together and proclaim the gospel of Christ as revealed in Scripture through faithful presentation of the gospel. One of the many ways in achieving this is through the medium of blogging. From our inception, we have written a number of articles with gospel centeredness as our mission. The first article we wrote sought to answer the question of Who Is A Christian?

This was necessary because, with a country of about 71% professing to be Christians, it was of utmost importance the term Christian is clearly defined. As a follow up post to the first, we wrote on the most essential requirement to become a Christian; (being) Born Again. This we identified as a sine-qua-non of Christianity.

Bearing in mind human inability to be converted or become a Christian, we addressed the most hotly debated topic in Christendom, Salvation by Grace Alone through Faith Alone. As is to be expected, this topic received a counter argument of Salvation by Faith and Works. After this, we addressed the importance of the church in an article titled The Church: Christ’s true bloodline. It can be said that many people claim they are seeking Jesus, but they are actually far from the truth. They probably might be seeking something less than Jesus; riches, health, spouses, travelling opportunities and others. We addressed this as Why Do You Seek Jesus.

Then during the Christmas festivities, we wrote a number of articles centred around the season. Among them are What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?, The Baby Who Is KingAfter Christmas, What Is Next?

To usher in the new year, we concluded with two articles, The Resolution Every Christian Should Make In 2016 and Transiting 2015: The Bigger Picture.

In the new year, we pray God will grant us the grace to continue in proclaiming the gospel through this medium.

Thank you for your support and we pray you will continue in Christ, rooted and built up in Him.

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith … abounding in thanksgiving (Colossians 2:6-7).

Kwesi Sena

The Gospel Network

United For The Gospel.


The post The Gospel Network: 2015 In Review appeared first on TGN.

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