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The Gospel Network
The Gospel Network (TGN) exists for the proclamation of the gospel of Christ. We desire to see the glory of God revealed through faithful presentation of the gospel as revealed in Scripture.
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Surprised by Reading
According to the available data, we spend 33 years of our lives in bed, segmented into 26 years of actual sleep and an astonishing seven years spent trying to fall asleep. We spend four years and six months eating, 235 days waiting in queues, six months at stop lights and a year and a half looking for lost items! When it comes to time spent at work, the average individual dedicates 13 years and two months to their profession, including one year and two months of overtime.

Boasting in the Cross
Paul’s great aim in this epistle to the Galatians is the defence of the gospel. The core of this gospel, which he expounds throughout the book, is the fact that we are justified (meaning, ‘made right’ with God, or counted ‘as if we have never sinned’) through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross alone, apart from works (anything we ever did or will ever do).

Hope for the Dead
Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of men more than death. The Bible refers to it as the last enemy, and rightly so. Throughout the history of human existence, men have tried to find ways to prevent death yet with all the technological and medical advancements, the cure for death continues to elude the wisdom of men.
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Bible Topics
To live by the word of God is to live by studying, meditating and obeying the word of God. It is to live in conformity with the standard prescribed in the word of God in order to please God – our Maker.