Poems – TGN https://tgnghana.org United For The Gospel Mon, 15 May 2023 07:38:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://tgnghana.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-TGN-logo-1-32x32.png Poems – TGN https://tgnghana.org 32 32 Descry https://tgnghana.org/descry/ https://tgnghana.org/descry/#respond Mon, 15 May 2023 07:34:08 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=7023 Remind me of my sins; Known or unknown to me, Not so I can perish in guilt- But so my heart can rejoice in this; That you alone can redeem. Remind me of your grace; That saved me from the grave, Not as though I can’t fail, But so my heart can sing your praise […]

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Remind me of my sins;
Known or unknown to me,
Not so I can perish in guilt-
But so my heart can rejoice in this;
That you alone can redeem.

Remind me of your grace;
That saved me from the grave,
Not as though I can’t fail,
But so my heart can sing your praise
And rejoice in your saving grace.

Remind me of your love
As seen on the cross,
Not so I can boast and fall,
But so my heart can recall,
The wrath that I was worth.

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The Call https://tgnghana.org/the-call/ https://tgnghana.org/the-call/#respond Thu, 04 May 2023 06:42:45 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6991 Who is worthy? Who can boast of perfection? You know the deal! It’s real. Neither you nor I, can hide from this truth. We claim to know; we claim to see, We stand atop a glassy sea, With a blurred reflection, that we can hit perfection. Down beneath this hidden grin Is the stench of […]

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Who is worthy?
Who can boast of perfection?
You know the deal! It’s real.
Neither you nor I,
can hide from this truth.

We claim to know; we claim to see,
We stand atop a glassy sea,
With a blurred reflection,
that we can hit perfection.

Down beneath this hidden grin
Is the stench of vile sin,
Listen now, listen to this;
Salvation beckons still,
Hope is not far from reach,
But first, you must admit;
The truth of your trespasses.

Come with your shame and guilt,
Come and be washed clean
Come now to the sea,
Where life begins at Eternity.

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Chiselled https://tgnghana.org/chiselled/ https://tgnghana.org/chiselled/#respond Wed, 03 May 2023 08:54:35 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6981 Chip! Chip! Chip! The chisel sings, Peeling off the scaly reem, breaking in and cutting deep. Chip! Chip! Chip! The chisel sings, Piece by piece, deep, There’s pain and surely agony, Coming from every “chiselling” chip. Chip! Chip! Chip! The chisel sings, What’s the point of all of this Have mercy, the mortal plea, But, […]

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Chip! Chip! Chip!
The chisel sings,
Peeling off the scaly reem,
breaking in and cutting deep.

Chip! Chip! Chip!
The chisel sings,
Piece by piece, deep,
There’s pain and surely agony,
Coming from every “chiselling” chip.

Chip! Chip! Chip!
The chisel sings,
What’s the point of all of this
Have mercy, the mortal plea,

But, Chip! Chip! Chip!
The chisel sings,
Silently, the sculptor chips,
Piece by piece,
To craft a masterpiece,
A craft of gold and glory,
Amid the pain and agony,
A new true form of a masterpiece.

Chip! Chip! Chip!
The chisel sings,
drawing us near the master’s inn.
So, we dare not trust our keep,
But to put our hope humbly in Him.

So, Chip! Chip!! Chip!!!
The chisel sings,
A craft of glory now revealed,
Maybe now, maybe then,
But in the very end,
A crown of glory on the head

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Transformed https://tgnghana.org/transformed/ https://tgnghana.org/transformed/#comments Tue, 02 May 2023 06:08:25 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6976 How long must we dwell “I’m a sinner,” to tell? Though true it may be, The Spirit’s fruit sets us free. As for those dead in Christ, In Him are forever alive, How, then, shall we have our breath Without the Word, our daily bread? In us, the Spirit rebirth A life set apart; the […]

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How long must we dwell
“I’m a sinner,” to tell?
Though true it may be,
The Spirit’s fruit sets us free.

As for those dead in Christ,
In Him are forever alive,
How, then, shall we have our breath
Without the Word, our daily bread?

In us, the Spirit rebirth
A life set apart; the Spirit compels,
Not in arrogance and pride
But in humility, we must abide.

Sinners, yes, we have all sinned,
But in Christ, we’re redeemed,
Not to continue in our old ways,
And take for granted His saving grace.

But to live in all our days
As the Spirit leads the way.
We’re not perfect, don’t forget,
But in Spirit, we must progress.

So, “I am a sinner” mustn’t be an excuse
to live a life of faith abuse,
Let the Spirit lead you on,
To live a life of Christ’s reflection.

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Your Life in Christ Alone Shall Last https://tgnghana.org/your-life-in-christ-alone-shall-last/ https://tgnghana.org/your-life-in-christ-alone-shall-last/#comments Sun, 30 Apr 2023 10:14:48 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6960 When you think about the dead, The word they once said, The life they once lived, Whatever that may be, It’s all gone; they’re no more, like the passing of the wind. You are led to ponder; What’s life here, after all, The usual chase after vanity? Never enough; there’s more to do. Does anything […]

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When you think about the dead,
The word they once said,
The life they once lived,
Whatever that may be,
It’s all gone; they’re no more,
like the passing of the wind.

You are led to ponder;
What’s life here, after all,
The usual chase after vanity?
Never enough; there’s more to do.

Does anything truly satisfy you?
Death is coming for sure,
However way it comes,
What, then, is your hope in this?
What is the point of all this?
Ponder deep, my friend,
Ponder now about the end.

You are faced with the truth.
Death is already here,
Gone with the wind,
A flash of light, and it’s gone.

Don’t waste this chance, my friend,
This is not the end,
Remember death in all you do,
But there’s hope only at the Cross,
To die is gain, and to live is Christ,
This is the endgame, my friend;
When death comes at last,
Your life in Christ alone shall last.

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Finding Self https://tgnghana.org/finding-self/ https://tgnghana.org/finding-self/#respond Fri, 28 Apr 2023 06:54:02 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6956 So, I took a turn, To follow the stately dos and don’ts I tried all I could but failed, as I should. Perfection seems one step ahead; Almost, but never there. In a mixture of pain and fear, I walked in the shadow of my desires. The streak of my failings Aligned perfectly with my […]

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So, I took a turn,
To follow the stately dos and don’ts
I tried all I could but failed, as I should.
Perfection seems one step ahead;
Almost, but never there.
In a mixture of pain and fear,
I walked in the shadow of my desires.

The streak of my failings
Aligned perfectly with my flaws,
Every breath is painful, not grateful
Stumbling through the pain
That led me here,
Time after time, in the colours of my mind,
Guarded by the stately dos and don’t,
A constant war, a need for a Messiah.

A desire to be filled,
to discover myself apart from me
was completed on the cross.
In his image, conformed.
Grace is the new streak,
Not the “dos and don’ts.”
But the “did and done.”
Freedom, in Christ, myself found.

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Meet me by the River https://tgnghana.org/meet-me-by-the-river/ https://tgnghana.org/meet-me-by-the-river/#comments Mon, 24 Apr 2023 06:07:39 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6920 The mystery hidden, now a reality, when sinners received undeserved mercy. A promise made from the origin Now fulfilled in a saviour king. Call upon the heavy laden The Word of life, receive, Meet me by the river, The bank of our belief. Love is the origin, but death was the penalty, Salvation is the […]

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The mystery hidden, now a reality,
when sinners received undeserved mercy.
A promise made from the origin
Now fulfilled in a saviour king.
Call upon the heavy laden
The Word of life, receive,
Meet me by the river,
The bank of our belief.

Love is the origin,
but death was the penalty,
Salvation is the result
of the gift secured,
Attained by blood,
not by force,
Redemption at hand,
The language is Love.

Meet me by the river;
Call the saints along
gather the old and young
To this pool of Love.
Meet me by the river;
The bank of our salvation.

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Go to Him https://tgnghana.org/go-to-him/ https://tgnghana.org/go-to-him/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 05:51:16 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6904 At the bottom of the deep, Where you can’t have your keep, You lack a proud inn; even your sleep, And humility slips in. Down on your knees, Open your mouth in psalms and hymns, Repent at this moment- your sin, You’re not far from Him. How deep did you sink? Come to Christ, the […]

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At the bottom of the deep,
Where you can’t have your keep,
You lack a proud inn; even your sleep,
And humility slips in.

Down on your knees,
Open your mouth in psalms and hymns,
Repent at this moment- your sin,
You’re not far from Him.

How deep did you sink?
Come to Christ, the king;
You’re not far from Him,
He is your eternal peace.

Spent in your might and skills,
Perfection is far from reach,
He cares not about your gifts,
But to be satisfied in Him.

How deep did you sink?
Remember the humble thief,
Look to the cross, to Christ, see,
He’s never far from reach.

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Foul Winds and Fragrances https://tgnghana.org/foul-winds-and-fragrances/ https://tgnghana.org/foul-winds-and-fragrances/#respond Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:09:22 +0000 https://tgnghana.org/?p=6859 I drifted from the fields of endless love Ruined by the choking airs of lustful desires Tossed by the foul wind of raging sin And an enemy-The prince of the power of the air I lay trampled and wasted by the world A dormant vessel of lost potential The caring gardener picked me by his […]

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I drifted from the fields of endless love
Ruined by the choking airs of lustful desires
Tossed by the foul wind of raging sin
And an enemy-The prince of the power of the air
I lay trampled and wasted by the world
A dormant vessel of lost potential

The caring gardener picked me by his grace
Through faith he mended and planted me
Holy vineyard of blessed life
Aromas of a holy life

May I live rooted to the cross
Bearing fruit, abundant fruit
Flavours that serve the earth
Fragrances that delight heaven

This is true Easter
That Jesus died
And I with Him.
That Jesus is alive
And I with Him.

May I live rooted to the cross
Bearing fruit, abundant fruit
Flavours that serve the earth
Fragrances that delight heaven

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