Author: Michael Franco Smit
Introduction This article is the third in a three-part series exploring the Munus Triplex—the threefold office of Christ as Priest, Prophet, and King. This ar... Read more.
Introduction While preparing for a recent Sunday School class at my church, I was deeply encouraged as I reflected on Jesus’s offices. This article is the... Read more.
Introduction While preparing for a recent Sunday School class at my church, I was deeply encouraged as I reflected on the offices that Jesus holds. This article... Read more.
Christians are often known as ‘People of the Book,’ reflecting our reliance on the Bible as the ultimate authority for our beliefs and teachings. This conce... Read more.
Every decision, big or small, reflects our faith and trust in God’s sovereign plan. Our choices shape our lives, either conforming us to this world or tra... Read more.
Throughout the annals of time, no week holds as profound a significance as the Week of our Lord’s Passion and Resurrection. Its gravity is rivalled only b... Read more.
Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, for that indeed is wh... Read more.
What are your beliefs regarding the natural state of humans at birth and our inherent relationship with God? Would you describe it as good, neutral, or b... Read more.
Within the vast landscape of Scripture, only a select few passages ascend to the elevated summit reached by Colossians 1:15-20. This passage stands as a Christo... Read more.
“You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 As a Christian, have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, torn between the demands of your job and the ... Read more.