Consider my first parents, Adam and Eve.
Created perfect, and in the image of God.
God’s communion to enjoy in the eve;
In perfect peace and accord.
Along comes the Tempter
Foolishly, the fall.
They hide from their maker:
But He draws near, in spite, He provided a way out of it all.
I was in Adam.
I fell!
My head rebelled, a rebel I am!
But in spite, God draws near, I hear His call.
Tis mercy all, immense and free!
I deserved nothing but hell and death.
Instead He loved me!
He sent Jesus, to atone for His wrath.
What do I have to glory?
None, but to appeal to the blood that was shed for me!
How can I boast?
He first loved me, in spite of me!
All we are like sheep.
We fell, we rebelled, and we hide for shame.
Herein we know His love was deep,
In spite of us, He calls us by name
As in Adam, so in Christ;
All my guilt and shame, nailed to the tree.
No more in Adam, now in Christ
All In spite of me!