Comments on: Our Confession Must be backed by Real Christian Community United For The Gospel Thu, 19 Jan 2023 09:52:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kwesi Sena Thu, 19 Jan 2023 09:52:13 +0000 In reply to Al Qor.

You make a very good point Al Qar. The current church structures are not healthy. The early church knew exactly who their members were. Unfortunately, in our current landscape where we are only concerned about numbers, we even fail to know who is saved and who is not. Who is in and who is out. It all starts with having a healthy church. Thanks for sharing.

By: Al Qor Wed, 18 Jan 2023 15:40:48 +0000 Sena, you are right in one sense. In that, the needy have not been catered for enough. Partly due to the fact that the current structure of the church is a bit difficult to identify a genuinely needy person. I have been taken advantage of before, whereby some people make it a business to collect support. However, this should not stop the church from fulfilling its mandate. I think that restructuring the church – bringing back the early church structure of the cell system is key to helping to cater for the needs of all. the mass production church is not efficient and effective as compared to the cell system where we know everyone as a person, what he does and how we can be of help to that believer. It will start, I believe, with going back to the cell system and using that system to identify and support the needy.
