Comments on: In Response To The “We Are Gods” Theology: Part I: Are You A Spirit? United For The Gospel Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:57:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: In Response To The “We Are Gods” Theology: Part 2: Are You A Spirit? – TGN Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:57:22 +0000 […] In the previous article, we examined the first significant claim of “New Creation” teachers who hold that believers are gods. Namely, the wrong interpretation of the creation account. We saw that there is no basis whatsoever from Genesis 1&2 that God created man as a god. […]

By: Uzoh Wed, 01 May 2019 08:14:46 +0000 Thanks very much Eben for taking on this apostate teaching that we are Gods and bringing an authentic view to the scriptures being twisted.
I am not surprised that people will use any scripture for their purpose and I don’t think that the truth will change that apostates. Satan himself asked Jesus to jump down from a height because God had promised to ‘give his angels charge over you’. Deliberate misuse of scripture is rife in history of Christendom and nothing is new under the sun.

By: thesurrenderedone Wed, 01 May 2019 01:03:41 +0000 Dear Brother, I will not argue Scripture whether to support or deny this proposition. I will tell you what the Spirit of Christ has revealed to me personally on this matter. You can then, either accept or reject my insight and you won’t offend me at all. I am just a messenger, and not the message itself! Why do we have a Physical Body? “Harken, you who have ears to hear, and learn! Mankind was spoken into being by the Living Word of God; as when all things came into Being. Of His own Spirit is Man, who thus became a Living Soul. Created to be the reflection of God in Image; His humanity expressed. And in His Likeness, His character expressed in, and of Earth. And likewise, in the Incarnation, was both His Divine Human expressed in a Physical Body, and the Divine Likeness in His character. Amen.” Read the two accounts in Genesis about Man’s creation. Therefore, you will hopefully come to see what I am referring to. As to “God’s Humanity”; were God not like us ‘in ANY way’, nor could we be like HIM ‘in ANY way’! Hopefully, this might help you grasp this idea. God bless you! Let us be “like Him” but never “AS HIM” Timothy.

By: PeeZee Mawunya Tue, 30 Apr 2019 18:48:38 +0000 In reply to Samuel.

Woowww. Soo true

By: samueljecty Tue, 30 Apr 2019 16:28:40 +0000 You err because you know not the scriptures nor the power of God. Your writing is totally erroneous. I pray the eyes of your understanding is enlightened that you will glean truth and stop opposing yourself. Ye are Gods ( Elohim) and children of the most high ( El- elyon) but because you know not, you will die like mere men and fall like one of the princes. .Psalm 82:5-7( paraphrased).

By: Samuel Tue, 30 Apr 2019 15:30:06 +0000 I Strongly disagree Sir! The new creation is God! Not as in ” The God that created the world…His nature is God. Anyone born again is born God. This doesn’t appeal much when you see and mentally apprehend it. There are so many scriptures that could buttress this. The simple one is this, if we believe Jesus is God, Hebrews 2:10-11 tells us, we are the brethren ( adelphos – twins born from the same womb) of the Lord. How can the new creation be human if Jesus is God. The head of the church is Christ and we are the members. The head can’t have a different nature from the body. 2 Pet 1:4, tells us we are partakers of the divine nature. The divine nature is God Himself. They are essentially one! I have a numerous scriptures to prove the new creation is God but not now..

The new creation is a Spirit.he has a soul and lives in a body. The real state of the new creation is his Spirit because that was what got changed during regeneration. So the life we live is out of the Spirit. The Spirit is the nature of God. The soul consist of the emotions, intellect etc…the body is a domicile. 1John 3:9 explicitly says anyone born again doth not sin because his seed remaineth in Him. It’s emphatically true. That is to say, the new creation has no sinful nature. When a new creation sins, he lived outside his nature and hence the bible encourages us to renew our mind. What the new creation needs to do after born again is to renew his mind to align with his Spirit.

It is also wrong for a new creation to confess sickness, poverty etc… it is a wrong confession. The fact that you have no money in your account doesn’t mean you should confess that! Anything which is not consistent with the word of God we don’t say. Hebrews 3:1 says Christ Jesus is the highp priest of our confession.. confession in the greek is Homologeo..which means speaking in agreement with what has been said. Every confession should line up with what the word has said: I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health.. if you realize you are ill or having any funny feelings in your body you don’t say I’m sick. You rather confess the word concerning your health. You tell yourself I’ve got the life of God.I can’t be sick. Confessing what you are experiencing shows you are carnal. What you feel in your body can be checked out immediately by you been conscious of the word of God. Isaah 33:24.
