Comments on: In Response To The “We Are Gods” Theology: Part 2: Are You A Spirit? United For The Gospel Wed, 14 Dec 2022 14:57:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kwame Darteh Fri, 10 May 2019 14:46:36 +0000 interesting read…i think ye are gods teaching is absolute nonsense.

however, i think the treatment of the soul and spirit, especially within the context of the new testament, was not dealt with in-depth enough. at the fall what actually happened to the three parts (two parts) of man? Paul’s use of the Greek terms for soul and Spirit were deliberate, why does the word of God separate the soul and spirit if they are the same?. Does Paul say he worships God with his spirit or his body? why the distinction? there is more in it we need to unravel. footnote I don’t agree one part is higher than the other, but i believe at regeneration something happens and real transformation is when all three aspects of our being are aligned towards God perfectly, (still working this theory out, but my starting point is Wesley and Aquinas)

What has been the teaching of the church in its history on the soul and spirit and why do you support Grudem’s stance?.

i think you will need to come back again with something more broad and in-depth, start with all scriptures that talks about our BEING at least in the NT, and what the church has always believed. if we are not grounded in this we stand the risk of taking a stance that can be counted as it is been done in the charismatic circles.
